About Foundation


The V.P.Agrawal Science Foundation (VPASF) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization for the promotion and funding of scientific and technological research and science popularization in the country. The Foundation has been established on 15th August 2018  to carry forward the cherished dream of Patron Professor Dr. Vishwanath Pd. Agrawal, the renowned scientist and social activist. VPASF is aimed at contributing in the field of natural and social sciences and wider ranges of science and technology issues in Nepal and globally to work in partnership with local, national, and international bodies. 


The Foundation proposes to support research programs, scientific societies for promotion of science in the youth and motivating them towards science education creating technical manpower to the country. The Foundation provides financial assistance for organizing science conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia on important scientific topics where scientists present their research findings.


  1. To develop functional linkage and working partnerships with scientists and science and technology related organizations from around the world to address the science and technology related issues in Nepal and international level.
  2. To establish research centers and educational institutions related to science and technology in Nepal for the prosperity of the people of the country
  3. To cooperate the people producing the trained technicians through the establishment of technical schools.
  4. To establish research laboratories at national, regional and local levels for the development of appropriate technologies to address the issues in the agriculture, livestock and veterinary sectors. Through the understanding with science identify elite crops and locally adaptable varieties to improve the conditions of marginalized and cooperative and corporate farmers in the country.
  1. To develop income generating activities and establish model science and technology based industrial villages at different province and districts.
  1. To promote and inspire senior and young aspring scientists by awarding them with grants and recognition of their works and contribution in the field of science, technology and development activities along with the scientists who worked at the Research Laboratory for Biotechnology and Biochemistry (RLABB) which was established by the patron.
  1. To understand and promote national heritages, culture, history, languages, linguistics and indigenous knowledge by working in the sector of social sciences, culture and general literatures by establishing educational, academic and research institutions.
  1. To establish an institution and library and study centre on Prof. Dr. VP Agrawal for his contributions in the field of science and education.
  1. To publish bulletins, periodicals and journals on science, technology, developments, culture, history and research journals.
  1. To organize conferences, seminars, workshops, training, exhibitions, festivals, competitions and short duration schools at national and international levels in the sectors of applied sciences and agriculture to share and exchange ideas and recent advancements in the related fields.